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Enter my Void
Please feel welcomed to
Enter my Void
I created this website as a means to write about some of the things that sparked my interest over the years and to share some of the creative output I happen to create. Since you’re already here, why not read something about Integral Theory? Just saying, couldnt hurt…


Unsurprisingly I fell in love with Techno-Music as soon as I moved to Berlin in my early twenties. The ones above are two of my favorite gigs I played over the years.
The left one was captured at Jungle Beat, a wonderful festival which pioneered in bringing amazing electronic artists combined with a lovingly athmosphere to the area around Stuttgart. I got the chance to play at a very nice stage surrounded by trees during sunset and tried to adapt to it to the best of my abilites by continiously raising the energy when the sun went down, while not getting too hard and dark.
The other set was captured at Club Alpha60, a cultural institution in my hometown born out of the spirit of the 60’s.
I played after two hours of HipHop and before the main act, which plays Dnb. So that was crazy. The set starts of rather mellow and groovy and progresses into much faster and darker terretories, since this Dnb accustomed crowd there appearently doesn’t really feel it when you play below 136 bpm.